The Power of Gratitude

Written by Doni HollowayThe coronavirus has certainly showed us that we used to take so many things for granted. Who knew that we'd be faced with a world where simply going outside would be seen as a treat? Living in New York City, I've seen first-hand how the pandemic has reworked collective consciousness. So many of us miss "back in the day" when stepping out of your home was as natural as breathing. We're living through times filled with so much uncertainty and unpredictability. But one thing remains constant: expressing gratitude is incredibly transformative. What we focus on expands. I'm constantly reminded of how important it is to give thanks. Nothing is too big or too small to be grateful for. I've compiled a few of my favorite ways of expressing gratitude: A gratitude jar This is one of my favorite tools for manifesting more because it's so tangible. All you need is a clear jar and some sticky...
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